Dream Catcher SVGs


Did you know that eating a lot of cheese can give you bad dreams? Or, at least, very vivid dreams. So you could swear off cheese, or you could protect your slumber pictures with a dream catcher SVG.

Dream catchers originated in Native American culture and were originally used as protective charms for infants. The idea being that dreams would enter the woven hoop; if they were good dreams, they would float down to the sleeping child via the feathers and beads, and if they were bad dreams they’d get trapped in the web. Kind of like parental controls on the TV.

A free dream catcher SVG will keep bad dreams away

All in good time, the dream catcher wove its way into the modern crafting world and has become a popular art project. Try making your own with a free dream catcher SVG and see if it’s protective charms actually work.

Dream catchers are very beautiful, intricate objects, that have an almost other-wordly feel to them. While you might think a digital version takes away from that, an SVG graphic can actually enhance, because you can pick a really ornate design, that may otherwise be very difficult, if not impossible, to create with a real one. Check out our stunning mandala dreamcatchers as an example!

Top tip: if you’d like a more traditional dream catcher, you can use one of our SVG as a guide and try to weave your own with flexi wood, twine, beads, faux feathers or maybe even some personal objects or talismans that have sentimental value or bring you luck, such as a coin or pendant.

Freddy can’t get you with your own dream catcher SVG file

A brilliant way to marry the traditional style and a modern dream catcher SVG file is to use one of our cut files. You could either craft your design on thin wood and hang it up, or you could affix a papercraft or decal to your window - if you line it up right, at sunset or on clear nights, it will cast its shadow over your bed.

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