Fire Illustrations


Flame on! Our sizzling collection of fire illustrations will make your next crafting project too hot to handle.

Since Homo Erectus accidentally struck two stones together after dark, mankind sparked the path for technological advancement. Tools, fire, the wheel, microwaves. Who knows what tomorrow will bring! Even in the Jungle Book, possession of fire was seen as the ultimate symbol of power. If you’re ever lost in the woods or stranded on a desert island - what’s one of the first things you do to survive? Start a fire. So this image is one not to be trifled with, but to be used as a sign of progress, strength and higher understanding. Also, barbecues.

Get some free fire illustrations to steam up your portfolio

Let’s all take a minute to enjoy the irony of the fact that adding flames to anything never fails to make it cool. Boom. Download some searing free fire illustrations and get going on some eye catching, flambé-yant arts and crafts.

We have lots of beautiful images with fiery elements to give them a mythical or badass feel. You can transfer a fire illustration onto your garments, such as a t-shirt or jacket. You could even use our illustrations to design your own mascot and make a matching set for everyone on your activity team. Check out some of our individual flame graphics, which you could include in a bigger composition or use as a logo.

We have some super adorable bundles featuring smores and outdoorsy graphics, perfect for your next camping trip with the family. Of course, we’re very safety conscious here, so our collection includes a ton of fire truck and firemen graphics, which are big favorites with the kids, plus you can use these images to teach them about fire safety!

Carbon, oxygen and heat. Put them together and presto - a fire illustrations file!

Of course, the great thing about digital fires is that there’s no danger of you setting your living room ablaze if you leave it unattended. With a fire illustrations file you can come up with some scorching design ideas, be it for a digital layout or an original handmade craft.

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